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Members' Area

Reserve Books

About Adult Library

The Adult Library contains over 5000 titles from a broad range of categories. Every month, new titles are chosen based on top reviews from major English-language newspapers and literary publications throughout the world. Book suggestions from members are always welcome.


Monday – Sunday: 8am – 10pm

Members aged 12 to 17 may access the facility from 10:00am to 8:00pm.

Junior Members aged 10 to 11 can visit on weekdays (except Public Holidays) during homework hours from 3:00pm to 6:00pm if accompanied by an adult member.


  • Books can be taken out for two weeks at a time.
  • A new book can be renewed for one week only (a ‘new book’ is one that has been purchased in the past three months), provided no one else has reserved it.
  • An old book can be renewed for two weeks at a time (an ‘old book’ is one that was purchased over three months ago), providing nobody else has reserved it.
  • A reserved book will be held by the library for one week only, once the member reserving the book has been notified.
  • Members can only borrow a maximum of two new books and four old books at a time (total of six books).
  • Members who have overdue book(s) for a period of six weeks will be charged a fine of $500 per book. It will cover the late fines and the cost of the book.
  • Books can be renewed by telephone on 3199 3901 or by email: library@lrc.com.hk.

Study & Business Center

The Adult Library provides four computer terminals with internet access and a "hot zone" service for notebook computers with wireless internet access. Study carrels and work tables are available for students doing homework after school. Printing, photocopying and scanning services are available in the business centre for a nominal charge.


  • Late book charge for new books: HK$10 per day.
  • Late book charge for old books: HK$5 per day.
  • In case of a lost book, the Library will charge the member HK$400 for hardcovers and HK$200 for paperbacks.

LRC Authors Collection

The Library invites all members who are published authors to donate a copy of their personal publications to the library. These will, from time to time, be part of a special display to showcase our members’ works.


If you have any suggestions regarding the Library or if you have new books to suggest for purchase, please contact the Library on 3199 3901 or send an email to the following address: library@lrc.com.hk.


You can renew your books by phone or by email.
It’s that easy!
Telephone: 3199-3901
Email: library@lrc.com.hk